I have received quite a few emails since the release of AIR 1.0 and Flex 3.0 regarding the AIR Cairngorm API which I developed last year. In the time since I have been working primarily with a modified version of AIR Cairngorm which I used on a number of successful real world AIR applications, however I simply have not had the time to document and refactor for general use until recently.
In case you are not familiar with AIR Cairngorm it is an open source project built on top of Adobe Cairngorm which provides a framework for working with the Adobe AIR SQLite API while building an application with Cairngorm.
AIR Cairngorm is built around the SQLService
class which essentially wraps the AIR SQL APIs to provide a uniform interface which can be utilized as a service, much in the same way one would work with RPC services in a typical Cairngorm application. SQLService
provides an API for both synchronous and asynchronous implementations.
In the time since the initial development and release of AIR Cairngorm, which was during the early alpha releases of AIR, there has been many changes to the SQL APIs in AIR. In addition I have also developed some new best practices for working with Adobe AIR and Cairngorm, all of which I tried to roll into this latest release where possible.
The following is a brief description of the current AIR Cairngorm API:
AIRServiceLocator: The AIRServiceLocator is a sub class of Cairngorm ServiceLocator, therefore it inherits the same API as ServiceLocator while also adding additional support for working with local databases via the getSQLService
and hasSQLService
SQLService: The SQLService
class essentially wraps the SQLStatement
and SQLConnection
classes. SQLService allows developers to create an mxml implementation defined on a Cairngorm ServiceLocator
just as one would with typical RPC services (e.g. HTTPServices, WebService etc.)
ISQLResponder: ISQLResponder
provides a consistent API from which asynchronous SQLStatement execution results and faults can be handled. ISQLResponder
is very similar to IResponder
in that it defines both a result and fault handler however with a slightly different signature which is specific to a SQLStatement
result / fault, (i.e. strongly typed parameters).
SQLStatementHelper: SQLStatementHelper
is an all static utility class which facilitates substituting tokens in a SQL statement with arbitrary values.
I have also created a custom version of my Cairngen project specifically targeting AIR Cairngorm code generation. In addition I will be making some future updates to AIR Cairngorm which will include support for various other AIR APIs in Cairngorm, so stay tuned.
Below I have provided downloads to the source, binary, air.cairngen and asdocs as well as asynchronous and synchronous example projects:
air cairngen
air cairngorm (all)