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Why is Programming Fun?

Recently, while re-organizing my bookshelf, I rediscovered a rather inspiring passage that I haven’t read in quite a long time …

The excerpt below is from the book “The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering”, and while the book was originally published in 1974 (before being republished in 1995), I feel it will always remain relevant:

Why is programming fun? What delights may its practitioner expect as his reward?

First is the sheer joy of making things. As the child delights in his mud pie, so the adult enjoys building things, especially things of his own design. I think this delight must be an image of God’s delight in making things, a delight shown in the distinctness and newness of each leaf and each snowflake.

Second is the pleasure of making things that are useful to other people. Deep within, we want others to use our work and to find it helpful. In this respect the programming system is not essentially different from the child’s first clay pencil holder “for Daddy’s office.”

Third is the fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts and watching them work in subtle cycles, playing out the consequences of principles built in from the beginning. The programmed computer has all the fascination of the pinball machine or the jukebox mechanism, carried to the ultimate.

Fourth is the joy of always learning, which springs from the non-repeating nature of the task. In one way or another the problem is ever new, and its solver learns something: sometimes practical, sometimes theoretical, and sometimes both.

Finally, there is the delight of working in such a tractable medium. The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of the imagination. Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to polish and rework, so readily capable of realizing grand conceptual structures.

Yet the program construct, unlike the poet’s words, is real in the sense that it moves and works, producing visible outputs separately from the construct itself. It prints results, draws pictures, produces sounds, moves arms. The magic of myth and legend has come true in our time. One types the correct incantation on a keyboard, and a display screen comes to life, showing things that never were nor could be.

Programming then is fun because it gratifies creative longings built deep within us and delights sensibilities we have in common with all men.

This quote really hits home with me, so I shared it with my team and felt I should also share it with the community, as I imagine it will also inspire many others as well.

Perfectionism, Prudence and Progress

Yesterday there was an interesting article on InsideRIA titled: “How much is too much?”. This is a great topic, one which at times I have questioned myself.

Personally, I never take the “easy way out”, preferring to do things the “hard way”, so to speak. At times the benefits in doing things according to best practices, standards and conventions (a.k.a. “the right way”) may not always be immediately obvious. However over the years experience has taught me that in time the benefits always reveal themselves and the pros certainly outweigh the cons.

When given a good amount of forethought to a decision, a design an implementation and so forth a team almost certainly is afforded the ability to continue development feasibly and in a less challenging manner (as opposed to dealing with endless maintenance challenges). When things are done quickly with little regard for anything other than getting working code out the result is always failure at some level, most commonly the maintainability of a product.

With all this in mind it is important to understand that at the end of the day our development efforts, for better or for worse, are simply a means to an end for a specific business need. Therefore just as writing “quick and dirty” code has a negative impact on the business, so too does being a complete perfectionist. Admittedly, this used to be a challenge for me as I would tend to need designs, tests and code to “feel right” for them to be considered production ready, which typically resulted in me working many extra hours on my own time. This in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but could rather be considered a labor of passion.

Ultimately the goal should be to find just the right balance of perfectionism, prudence and progress, providing necessary trade-offs where appropriate.

Pattern Recognition

It has been said that the true sign of intelligence lies in ones ability to recognize patterns – and there is a lot to be said of that statement as patterns can be found everywhere, in everything, in everyday life.

One of the greatest strengths of human intelligence is in our ability to recognize patterns and abstract symbolic representations even when they occur in contexts different from that in which we originally learned them. It’s why hard to grasp concepts which are foreign or new to us become very clear when explained through metaphor.

This ability to recognize patterns is essential to our survival, always has been. For example, practically all ancient civilizations had a very, very good understanding of the recurring patterns in their environment; something we like to call seasons. This understanding of patterns in time and climate was crucial to the survival of these early civilizations. Our ability to recognize patterns is essential to our learning and understanding of the world around us. Pattern recognition is a cognitive process much like intuition. Arguably they are inter-related or possibly one and the same.

Suppose you you want to lose a few pounds, or save a little extra money, or learn a new programming language etc. but you are not seeing the results you would like. By recognizing patterns in your behavior you will begin to notice areas which need to be adjusted and from that determine an appropriate solution and the necessary adjustments to be made in order to achieve your goal. For example, maybe you’ve been trying to save some extra money and after a few months realize you are getting nowhere. You then analyze your behavior for recurring patterns and realize your spending half your pay every weekend on beer, just kidding, but you get my point.

Pattern Recognition in Software Development

In the world of software development patterns apply in pretty much just the same way – our ability to recognize them is essential to ensuring the success of a software application. When we discover patterns of recurring problems in software we are then able to consider various potential patterns from a catalog of named solutions, i.e. Design Patterns. Once an appropriate solution is found we can apply it to resolve the problem regardless of the domain.

When designing software, patterns are something that should reveal themselves, never forced into a design. This is how patterns should always be applied; you have a problem, and based on that problem you begin to recognize common patterns, or maybe new ones, which can be applied as a solution to resolve the problem. It should never be the other way around, that is, a solution (Pattern) looking for a problem. However this happens quite often and is pretty evident in many software applications. Many refer to this as “pattern fever“, personally I like to call it “patterns for patterns sake“, or simply “for patterns sake“. Because that’s really what it is.

For example, have you ever found a Singleton implementation where an all static class would have sufficed (e.g. utilities). Or a code behind implementation class which masquerades as an abstract class. Or an Interface where there is clearly only a need for a single concrete implementation (e.g. data centric implementations), or a marker Interface which serves no purpose at all. The list goes on and on.

In some cases it very well may just be an innocent flaw in the design, however the majority of the time it’s a tell tale sign of someone learning a new pattern and knowingly, albeit, mistakenly, attempting to implement the pattern into production code. This is clearly the wrong way of learning a new pattern. Learning new design patterns is great and a lot of fun but remember, there is a time and place for everything, and production code isn’t it.

Learning Patterns

One of the best ways to learn a new pattern (or anything new for that matter) is to explore it. Begin by reading enough about it to get some of the basic concepts to sink in a bit. Put it into context, think of it in terms of metaphor – in ways that make sense to you, remember you are learning this. Question it. Then experiment with it. See how it works, see how it doesn’t work, break it, figure out how to put it back together, and so on, but whatever works best for you. Most importantly always do it as a separate effort such as a POC, but never in production code.

Once you get this down and understand the various patterns you’ll find you never need to look for them, for if they are needed they will reveal themselves sure enough.

What makes a good design?

One of my core job responsibilities for the past several years has been to conduct technical design and implementation (code) reviews during various phases of the software development life cycle. This is typically a highly collaborative process whereas myself and an individual engineer, or the team as a whole will begin by performing a detailed analysis of business requirements in order to gain an initial understanding of the specific component(s) being developed. Once an understanding of the requirements has been reached a brainstorming session ensues which ultimately leads to various creative, technical solutions. After discussing the pros and cons of each the best solutions quickly begin to reveal themselves, at which point it is simply a process of elimination until the most appropriate solution has surfaced.

The next step is to translate the requirements into the proposed technical solution in the form of a design document. The design is specified on a high level and is only intended to provide an overview of the appropriate technical road map which is to be implemented. This typically consists of higher level UML Sequence and Class diagrams, either in the form of actual diagrams produced in a UML editor, or could simply be a picture captured from UML drawn out during a whiteboarding session. The formality of the documented design is less important, what is important is that the design is captured in some form before it is implemented. Implementation specific details such as exact class and method signatures and so forth are intentionally left out as they are to be considered outside the scope of the design. See Let Design Guide, not Dictate for more on this subject. Once the design is documented it is reviewed and changes are made if needed. This process is repeated until all business and technical requirements have been satisfied, at which point the “all clear” is given to move forward with implementing the design.

But what exactly constitutes a good design? How does one determine a good design from a bad one? In reality it could vary significantly based on a number of factors, however in my experience I have found a design can almost always be judged according to three fundamental criterion: Correctness, Cohesion / Coupling and Scalability. For the most part everything falls into one of these three categories. Below is a brief description of the specific design questions each category sets out to determine.

  • Correctness
    Does the design solve the problems described in the requirements and discussed by the team? This is Correctness in the form of satisfying business requirements. Are the patterns implemented in the design appropriate, or are additional patterns being used just for the sake of using the pattern? This is Correctness in the form of technical requirements. A good design is well focused and only strives to provide a solution which meets the requirements specified by the business owners, client etc; it does not attempt to be overly clever.
  • Cohesion / Coupling
    Has a highly cohesive, loosely coupled design been achieved? Have the classes, interfaces and APIs been logically organized? Does each provide a specific, well-defined set of functionality? Is composition used over inheritance where applicable? Has related functionality been properly abstracted? Does changing this break that, does adding that break this, etc.
  • Scalability
    Does the solution scale well? Is it flexible? A good design strives to facilitate change with confidence, and with as little risk as possible. A good design also achieves transparency at some level in the areas where it is most applicable.

The concepts outlined above are crucial to achieving a good design, however they are often overlooked or misunderstood to some degree. Throughout the years I have began to recognize some commonality in the design mistakes I find in Object Oriented Designs in general, and within Flex projects in particular. Many of which typically can be attributed to violations of basic MVC principles, but most commonly the design mistakes appear to be a negation of Separation of Concerns (SoC).

There are close relationships between Correctness, Cohesion / Coupling and Scalability, each of which plays a very significant role in the resulting design as a whole.

So lets start with Correctness, which is by far the single most important facet of design, for if the design does not provide a solution which satisfies the requirements specified then it has failed – all other aspects of the design are for the most part, details.

It is important to understand that Correctness has a dependency on Flexibility. For example, as architects and developers our understanding of the problem domain is constantly evolving as we gain experience in the domain. Additionally, as requirements may change significantly as a product is being developed, our designs must be able to adapt to these changes as well. Although this poses some challenges it is wrong to suggest that requirements need to be locked down completely before the design phase begins, but rather requirements need only be clearly defined to the extent that the designer is aware of what is required at that point in time and how it fits into the “big picture”. A competent designer understand this well and makes careful considerations before committing to any design decisions. This is where the importance of Flexibility comes into play. In order for a design to be conceptually and technically correct it needs to be flexible enough to support change. This is why good design is so important – to easily facilitate change. As such the flexibility to allow change should be evident throughout the design. A good example might be where the middle-tier has not decided which service layer implementation will be used (e.g. XML:80, WSDL, REST etc.), or the Information Architects have not decided what the constraints of each user role will be. A good design should be flexible enough to allow for changes such as these as well as others with confidence and more importantly, little risk to other parts of the application; after all, you shouldn’t have to tear down the house just to renovate the bathroom – in addition to Correctness and Scalability, this is where Cohesion and Coupling come into play.

High Cohesion is vital to achieving a good design as it ensures related functionality and responsibilities are logically grouped together, encapsulated and abstracted. We have all seen the dreaded, all encompassing class which assumes multiple responsibilities. Classes such as these have low cohesion and are a sign of future challenges if not addressed immediately. On a higher level, if high cohesion had not been achieved it is easy to notice as there will typically only be one class which comprises an entire API, however quite often low cohesion in classes may be a bit more subtle than one might expect and a code review will reveal areas where low cohesion has been implemented.

For example, consider the following Logging facility which is intended to provide a very simple logging implementation:

The above example is such a classic case of low cohesion. I see this kind of thing all the time. The problem here is that the Logger class has low cohesion because it is assuming the responsibility of creating and formatting a time stamp, this functionality is outside of the responsibilities of the Logging API. The creating and formatting of a time stamp is not a concern of the Logger, but rather would be the responsibility of a separate DateFormatting utility whose sole purpose is to provide an API for formatting Date objects. Removing the Date formatting functionality from the Logging API to a class which is responsible for formatting Date objects would facilitate code reuse across many APIs, reduce redundancy and testing as well as allow the Logger class to only define operations which are directly related to Logging. A good design must achieve high cohesion if it is to be successful.

Coupling is essential in determining a good design. A good way to think of coupling is like this: Think back to when you were a kid playing with blocks, you could easily take any number of different blocks and rearrange them to build whatever you like – that’s loose coupling. Now compare that to a crossword puzzle or a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces only fit together in a very specific way – that’s tight coupling. A good design strives to achieve loosely coupled APIs in order to facilitate change as well as reuse. A classic, yet less commonly mentioned example tight coupling is in the packaging of APIs. Often, many times designers will achieve loosely coupled APIs however the APIs themselves are tightly coupled to the application namespace.

Consider the of Logging API example from above, note that the API is defined under the package com.somedomain.someproject.logging. Even if the example were to be refactored to achieve high cohesion it would still be tightly coupled to the project specific namespace. This is a bad design as in the event another product should need to use the Logging API it would first need to be refactored to a common namespace. A better design would be to define the Logging API under the less specific namespace of com.somedomain.logging. This is important as the Logging facility itself should be generic in that it could be used across multiple projects. Something as simple as proper packaging of generic and specific components plays a key role in a good design. A better design for the above example would be as follows, this design achieves both high cohesion and loose coupling:

As with all design, technical design is subjective. Architects and Engineers can spend an infinite amount of time debating the various points of design. In my experience it really comes down to organization and efficiency, that is, organization of responsibilities and concerns, and the efficiency of their implementation both individually and as a whole.

It may sound cliche’ however before you begin a new design, or review an existing one, consider the following quote before doing so – it pretty much sums up what good design is:

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Let design guide, not dictate

A good design should intend to guide implementation, not dictate it; and for good reason as, the dynamic nature of requirements and systems is often too complex to view for a technical design to be considered as anything more than a basic prescription intended to convey the basis for implementation. Yet far too often people seem to believe that once a detailed design has been completed and approved implementation should be a breeze; however, this is just not a very realistic expectation.

For instance, one of my core job responsibilities is to review technical design documents and provide feedback and direction. This is an iterative process which typically has between 1-3 iterations depending on the complexity of the system. Initially myself and an engineer are given requirements for review. He or she then begins an initial draft of the design and once completed passes it on to me for review. I then review the document and provide feedback where applicable, either via annotations to the document itself or by reviewing with the developer (which is by far my preferred process). Should modifications be required the developer will then make revisions as needed. This process is repeated (within practicality) until final design has been approved.

At first it may appear as if only a single design iteration and review would be needed, however more often than not, requirements may not be completely understood during the beginning stages of design, nor are they typically ever set in stone so it is very common that a design will need to change during the early stages of a project or even throughout the entire development stage. Once final design has been completed an engineer then begins implementing the design. Theoretically this may appear to be a quite simple process: create a great design which contains as much detail as possible, review it, make revisions and approve it, then just pass it off to any developer for implementation and that’s it, done, right? – wrong!

There are a number of problems to this approach. Below I have outlined the three I feel are most significant and the solutions I have found to address each.


The first problem is that a design which goes into too much detail completely limits or even worse, kills creativity – which in my opinion is the single most important trait a developer can possess, especially when designing. The developer is now merely a typist and will undoubtedly become very bored when implementing the design, especially if it is not even his/her design to begin with! Because of this lack of creativity the final code will ultimately suffer and bugs can be expected. Keeping design on a higher level allows developers to have the creative freedom needed to provide quality implementations and work they can feel is their own.


The second problem is that the more detailed and precise the design the less flexibility there is when requirements change and modifications need to be made to the design and thus implementation. For example, if a design contains very low level details, such as method signatures and other implementation specific details the ability to change the design now becomes increasingly complex and will result in much of the design needing to be reworked significantly. In addition the more detail there is the harder it is to write unit tests against the design as the actual implementation has already been defined. Designs need to be very high level and should not go beyond identifying class names, their responsibilities, relationships and dependencies.


The third problem is that far too often developers get caught up in all the details of UML notation and related tools. Again, this negates creativity and results in the developer concentrating more on making the design look technically correct rather than concentrating on designing towards a great solution which addresses the problem at hand. In addition, this also results in unnecessary time being spent to complete the design – time which otherwise could have been much better spent on something that produces a better pay off for the project. Now this is not to say that UML shouldn’t be used, actually quite the contrary as I feel a final design should be in UML (or some other format) as a shared language is very helpful in allowing readers to easily understand the design. I always suggest a technique where developers draw out their design in any way that makes sense to them without having to give much thought to anything other than the solution itself. This could be anything from drawing / scribbling thoughts on a pad, to building out a vision from legos – seriously! Only once the design has been envisioned would I recommend bringing it to realization through the use of a formal design tool, such as Visio or other UML tools to be used.

The above illustrates the three most common design issues I have encountered, most of which pertain to over-detailed designs, as well as the approach I take to address each. If you have not encountered any of these issues in your own work than that is generally a good sign, however try to keep them in mind when designing as it will pay off in the end. The important thing to remember when designing is to design for flexibility and simplicity. Less is usually more and the KISS principle, especially when applied to software design, will always pay off in the end.

Principle of Least Knowledge

One very important (yet often overlooked) design guideline which I advocate is the Principle of least knowledge.

The Principle of Least knowledge, also known as The law of Demeter, or more precisely, the Law of Demeter for Functions/Methods (LoD-F) is a design principle which provides guidelines for designing a system with minimal dependencies. It is typically summarized as “Only talk to your immediate friends.”

What this means is a client should only have knowledge of an objects members, and not have access to properties and methods of other objects via the members. To put it in simple terms you should only have access to the members of the object, and nothing beyond that. Think if it like this: if you use more than 1 dot you are violating the principle.

Consider the following: We have three classes: ClassA, ClassB and ClassC. ClassA has an instance member of type ClassB. ClassB has an instance member of type ClassC. This can be designed in such a way which allows direct access all the way down the dependency chain to ClassC or beyond, as in the following example:

The above example is quite common, however it violates The Principle of Least Knowledge as it creates multiple dependencies, thus reducing maintainability as should the internal structure of ClassA need to change so would all instances of ClassA.

Now keep in mind that in all software development there are trade-offs to some degree. Sometimes performance trumps scalability or vice-versa, other times readability trumps both. A perfect example of where you would not want to use The Principle of Least Knowledge is in a Cairngorm ModelLocator implementation. The Cairngorm ModelLocator violates the Principle of least knowledge for good reason – it simply would not be practical to write wrapper methods for every object on the ModelLocator. This is the main drawback of the Principle of least Knowledge; the need to create wrapper methods for each object, which are more formally known as Demeter Transmogrifiers.

The goal of good software design is to minimize dependencies, and by carefully following the guidelines provided by The Principle of Least Knowledge this becomes much easier to accomplish.