I have added a new Category to my blog called “Quick Tips” from which I plan to post various quick and simple, yet useful little things I come across from time to time.
This first Quick Tip has to do with the default state of the “Mark occurrences feature” in Flex Builder 3 (the feature which causes all methods, properties etc to be highlighted in blue).
Upon installation of the latest Flex 3 beta one of the initial features I noticed was the Mark occurrences feature. Personally I found it to be quite annoying and somewhat intrusive. In addition the feature was also pretty slow (however I believe this is currently being addressed).
In any event I wanted to disable this feature, problem was I couldn’t figure out exactly how to turn it off! After some exploring in the preferences panel I was still unable to find where the Mark occurrences feature could be disabled, so I posted a new topic on the Flex 3 pre-release forum, and luckily I got a quick response from Laurence Mclister explaining where the feature could be disabled – it was right there in the toolbar!
Mark occurrences can be turned off via the toolbar button which looks like a yellow highlighter it is typically toward the center of the toolbar). Below I have highlighted in red where the Mark occurrences feature is located on the toolbar.
Hope that saves someone some time down the road.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t turned this off as quickly as they found out how. Thanks for making this public – and needless to say this should be off by default.
I could not turn it off so I made the highlight white in preferences->editors->text editors->annotations->actionscript occurrences – just so as to annoy me a bit less…Although, when trying to disable the show-in options there nothing happened (there was always a default highlight) , which could be a flex builder bug. I dunno; I still didint get around to report it…
Thanks for pointing out the tool bar button, man!
yes annoying and yes the solution was right there in the tool bar, but it took to me a lot of time!! I belive it was or is a joke from Adobe. Anyway thanks Eric and please keep on with some more useful Design Pattern.
Wow, I must be the only person that likes this feature. I find it quite handy when copying code snippets and changing variable names and such..
I think it might be handy if you could toggle it with a hot key. Thanks for the tip.