Since the initial release of Cairngen 1.0 there has been an amazing amount of interest in the project and your feedback has been very encouraging. In addition I have received a number of extremely valuable customizations from community members, many of which have made it into subsequent releases.
In order to provide a solid foundation to help facilitate a collaborative Open Source initiative for the Cairngen Project I have decided to move the project to Google Code.
Moving Cairngen to Google Code allows for a number of significant development benefits for the Cairngorm Community. This includes regular development updates, access to all releases, availability of all source code revisions, better documentation, defect lists, feature requests and much more.
I am currently accepting requests for new contributors so if you feel you have added new functionality which would provide benefit to the project visit the Become a Contributor page. All comments on the project are welcome and encouraged. In addition I strongly recommend the if you have any issues with Cairngen, especially environmental issues you should log them to the Issues Page.
Along with the new Cairngen Google Code Project I have also released Cairngen 2.1.1 which aligns the source project with the new SVN repository.
So go check out all of the new information on Cairngen at the new Cairngen Project Home.
Thank you for this.
I am learning by studying the David Tucker tutorials and Cairngen at the same time.
Very helpful.