Release version API

I have published a software release version API which allows developers to set valid software release versions for a Flex 2 application. Release versions can be utilized for specifying additional meta data within a Flex application.

The release version API contains a main entry point, ReleaseManager; a Singleton containing a reference to the ResourceBundle instance which comprises each valid release code.

A release is set by specifying a valid release code which is defined as a constant in the ReleaseCodes class as follows:

Each release code is mapped to a corresponding value in as follows:

  • SR00PA=Pre-Alpha: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00AV=Alpha Version: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00BR=Beta Release: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00RC=Release Candidate: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00GA=General Availability Release: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00UR=Unstable Release: {0}.{1}.{2}
  • SR00SR=Stable Release: {0}.{1}.{2}

The tokens in each release code are substituted by the developer according to a projects current release version; major, minor, revision/build.

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